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Minum Teh Bisa Turunkan Risiko Diabetes

If you have diabetes, your healthcare team has probably told you what kinds of beverages to skip, like soda, juice, and sugary sports drinks. But avoiding these doesn’t mean you have to miss out on flavor — there are plenty of drinks you can enjoy that bring big taste but won’t spike your blood sugar. Take, for example, unsweetened hot or cold tea. There are many types of tea, including true teas made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which include black, green, and oolong tea, and herbal teas, such as peppermint and chamomile tea. Both true teas and herbal teas have been associated with a variety of health benefits due to the powerful plant compounds that they contain, and research has shown that some teas have properties that are particularly beneficial for people with diabetes.

Diabetes is a group of conditions characterized by chronically high blood sugar levels resulting from either the inadequate secretion of the blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin, reduced sensitivity to insulin, or both. For people with diabetes, tight blood sugar regulation is critical, and choosing foods and beverages that optimize healthy blood sugar control is key. Opting for calorie-free or very low calorie beverages like unsweetened tea over sugary beverages like soda and sweetened coffee drinks is an excellent way to optimize diabetic control. Plus, some tea varieties contain plant compounds that fight cellular damage and reduce inflammation and blood sugar levels, making them a great choice for people with diabetes. What’s more, drinking unsweetened tea can help keep your body hydrated. Staying properly hydrated is essential for every bodily process, including blood sugar regulation.

Discover the teas that may offer real perks for people with diabetes or individuals looking to help prevent the disease.

1. Green Tea May Help You Lose Weight

In a midday slump? Consider steeping a cup of green tea, which contains 28 milligrams of caffeine and may help fend off diabetes.

2. Chamomile Tea May Make You Sleepy

A sleepless night is the last thing that someone with diabetes needs. Just one single night of poor sleep could can your body to produce insulin less effectively, potentially raising your blood sugar levels.

3. Ginger Tea Lowered Fasting Blood Glucose

Yes, a cup of ginger tea may come with a zing, but it might be worth sipping this spicy drink, especially if you have diabetes.

4. Hibiscus Tea May Help Lower Blood Pressure

This tart and tangy tea not only tastes refreshing — it could play a role in helping you manage diabetes and other issues linked to the disease.

5. Rooibos Tea May Help Slow the Progression of Diabetes

Though more studies are needed, laboratory models suggest this herbal tea, which is made from the leaves of a shrub grown in South Africa, may be beneficial for weight loss.

If symptoms of diabetes appear or after checking blood sugar levels, it is advisable to immediately go to the hospital for an examination. That way diabetes can be controlled properly.

