doktersyaraf, syaraf, sayarafkejepit

Early Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve

Saraf kejepit adalah gangguan yang terjadi ketika saraf tertekan berlebihan. Masalah ini biasanya dialami oleh saraf yang berada di antara jaringan ligamen, tendon, tulang, tulang rawan dan otot. Jaringan tersebut dapat menekan saraf sehingga akan menyebabkan penderita mengalami rasa nyeri, sensasi terbakar serta kesemutan.

Nah karena saraf menjalar sepanjang tubuh, maka saraf kejepit sangat mungkin terjadi diberbagai lokasi di tubuh, namun bagian paling sering terkena adalah piringan sendi dan tulang belakang terutama adalah di area sekitar tulang punggung bagian bawah dan leher.

Umumnya ketika saraf kejepit, otak akan mengirimkan sinyal berupa rasa nyeri di area yang terkena. Di tahap ini, penderita disarankan untuk segera melakukan perawatan guna mencegah kerusakan semakin bertambah parah.

Beberapa kondisi berikut dapat memicu terjadinya saraf kejepit antara lain:

1. Injury or trauma, such as when lifting heavy weights

2. Wrong body position or posture that is done repeatedly and continuously, such as an improper sitting position while working

3. Lack of movement due to an inactive lifestyle

4. Obesity, which will cause the body's burden, especially the spine to increase

5. Old age, because the discs are no longer flexible which increases the risk of injury

The symptoms of a pinched nerve will depend on the area affected. It usually occurs on one side of the body only. When this condition occurs, sufferers will have difficulty turning their heads, shaking their heads, gripping objects, bending their bodies until they have difficulty walking.

Here are some of the symptoms that a pinched nerve sufferer can feel:

1. Tingling or pain like being pricked by a needle
2. The appearance of intense pain
3. Numbness or decreased sensitivity
4. Tension to the point of difficulty moving the neck, arms and legs

Some simple ways to deal with pinched nerve complaints, among others

1. Warm compress. Tingling due to a pinched nerve can be overcome by applying warm compresses to the affected area. This step can improve blood circulation and improve nerve function. The trick, place a warm compress for 5 to 7 minutes. Repeat this method 3 times a day.

2. Rest by getting more sleep. Adequate rest will provide opportunities for cells in the body to produce more protein and the immune system to help repair damage in the bod

3. Change posture. While in the office, for example, use an ergonomic mouse and keyboard to help take the pressure off your arms and wrists. Alternatively, elevate your computer monitor to eye level to prevent neck pain. Also fix the sitting position.

4. Change lifestyle. Start doing sports such as morning walks, swimming. Also use a standing workstation to help keep the spine mobile and flexible.

5.Stretching and yoga. This method can help relieve tension and pressure in the area of the body that is experiencing a pinched nerve. However, it is not recommended to stretch too deeply, as this can exacerbate existing symptoms.

If you experience pain or discomfort while stretching, it is advisable to stop immediately to avoid further nerve damage. Then, immediately make a medical appointment for treatment. With prompt and appropriate treatment, a pinched nerve generally doesn't cause significant damage. However, if a pinched nerve is allowed to continue it can cause permanent nerve damage.

If there are further complaints and unusual conditions, immediately consult through the Halo Hermina application, or you can register through the 24-hour Call Center service 1500 488
