
Heart Palpilations, Heart Attack ?

Hermina’s friends you need to be alert if you have heart-related illnesses, especially heart attacks. A heart attack occurs when blood flow in the arteries is blocked, so that parts of the heart that do not receive blood flow will experience damage. The effect of a heart attack is usually that the heart does not stop beating.


Actually, what are the symptoms of a heart attack ?

Symptoms of a heart attack, there are 5 signs:

  1. Heart palpitations, otherwise known as palpilations. This symptom feels like the chest is being squeezed
  2. Shortness of breath, this pain is usually accompanied by cold sweat, feeling weak, heart palpilations and even fainting
  3. Cold sweats and feeling tired easily. Dizziness or headache. These heart symptoms are caused by a devrease in blood flow due to an abnormal heart rate
  4. There is nausea and vomiting

Sufferers usually feel pain such as being hit by a heavy burden, pain and a feeling of being squeezed or burning in the chest.

What causes someone to experience heart attack symptoms ?
There are 7 trigger factors for heart attack symptoms, namely:

  1. Age factor, the older a person gets, the higher the risk of develpong heart disease
  2. Have a family history of heart disease
  3. Diabetes
  4. High blood pressure (Hypertension)
  5. Obesity (overweight)
  6. Bad lifestyle (lack of exercise, smoking and consuming lots of fatty foods)
  7. Stress

Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease, remember SMART

C : Check your health regularly, at least once a month

E : Get rid of cigarette smoke, by stopping smokers immediately

R : Diligent physical activity, at least 30 minutes/ day for 5 days/ week (150 minutes/ week)

D : Healthy Diet with balanced calories, limiting consumption of sugar (4 tablespoon), salt (1 teaspoons), and fat (5 tablespoons oil)/ day

I : Get enough rest, with 7-8 hours of sleep / day

K : Manage stress, by balancing time for work, rest, exercise and recreation


For Friends of Hermina who feel there are symptoms and/or want further information, you can directly consult with a Cardiologist at RSU Hermina Samarinda


Source :

P2ptm Kemenkes Republik Indonesia.

Reviewed by : dr. Syifa Mahmud Syukran Akbar, Sp.JP

