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Is acne a disease or a sign of falling in love?

Acne is a skin problem caused by clogged pores (precisely in the hair follicles) due to dust, dirt, oil, dead skin cells often occurs during puberty (early 12 years) to 30 years. In general, acne occurs on the face, neck, chest, shoulders or back.

Causes and early symptoms of acne
Acne is caused by the clogging of skin pores, especially the hair roots (hair follicles). Hair follicles contain oil glands, which normally produce oil to retain moisture and protect the skin. Acne occurs when the oil outlet is blocked due to excess oil production, buildup of dead skin cells, or bacterial infection. There are also some other causes such as :
- Overproduction of oil glands
- Impaired shedding of dead skin cells
- Infection with P. acnes bacteria
- Androgen hormones (before menstruation, premenopausal, during pregnancy)

Acne Risk Factors
The following risk factors can also contribute to the development of this problem:
- Smoking habit.
- Heredity, if family members have had problems with this skin problem.
- Taking medications that contain lithium, corticosteroids, or anticonvulsants.
- Puberty caused by increased activity of the hormone testosterone, which triggers the oil glands.
- Using cosmetics.
- Hormonal changes, such as before menstruation, during the first trimester of pregnancy, or due to PCOS.
- Stress can exacerbate an existing condition.

Causes and Treatment
Acne treatment is customized according to the severity of the condition. Acne treatment is divided into two parts, medication to treat or eliminate acne, and aesthetic treatment to treat acne and improve the appearance of the skin.
The way to prevent acne is to regularly clean your face, body, and hair with a facial cleanser, body wash, or shampoo that is suitable for your skin or hair type. Acne can also be prevented by using non-comedogenic skincare products and cosmetics, a healthy diet, and good stress management.

Mayo Clinic. Accessed on 2024. Acne.
National Health Services. Accessed on 2024. Acne.
dr. Yefta, M.Sc., M.H., Sp.D.V.E “Live IG Hermina Health”, live Instagram, May 29, 2024
