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Get to Know more about Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is the number one disease that can cause death in the world, compared to heart disease, infectious disease, lung disease, cancer and AIDS. In fact, almost every three seconds there are deaths from coronary Heart disease and the total cost of services spent on this coronal heart disease amounts to 7.4 trillion.

Coronary heart disease is a heart disease that occurs as a result of constriction of coronary blood vessels in the heart that can cause sudden heart attacks. The disease occurs due to a blockage of the coronary artery's blood flow, which can lead to a decrease in the oxygen supply to the heart muscle. The process of developing unconscious coronary heart disease has already begun to manifest symptoms at an early age, where arterial blood is blocked by a poor lifestyle.

A heart attack or often known as a sedentary wind is characterized by a complaint of discomfort in the chest, which lasts for more than 20 minutes during rest or activity accompanied by symptoms of cold sweat or even sudden death. In addition, other symptoms such as:

  1. Pain like pressed in the chest area. Feels heavy in the breast area even feels burning
  2. Pain spread to the arms, back, shoulders, neck or jaw.
  3. Head ache even cold sweat
  4. Feels nausea or liver pain
  5. Feeling very tired

This coronary heart disease, can even cause complications when untreated, among others:

  1. Heart failure is a condition that occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood effectively. heart failure occurs because the heart muscle has been permanently damaged as a result of a heart attack.
  2. Aritmia, a condition when the heartbeat beats abnormally.
  3. Cardiogenic shock, which is a condition when the heart muscle is severely damaged and can no longer supply blood to the body properly.


Early detection of heart disease is highly recommended. Screening can be done:

  1. Heart record (electrocardiography)
  2. Treadmill Test
  3. Echocardiography (Hard ultrasound)
  4. CT Heart scan

    For Friends of Hermina, who want to do a Heart Screening to get rid of Coronary Heart Disease, at Hermina Samarinda Hospital have been available cardiovascular specialists as well as Prevention of Heart Diseases screening, so that Friends of hermina can feel safe and calm while taking medication at the Hospital Hermina samarinda.


reviewed by: Dr. Ni Putu Anggun, SP.JP, FIHA

Mayo Clinic (2020). Diseases & Conditions. Coronary Artery Disease.

Ministry of Health (2019). Signs and Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease
