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Recognize the Symptoms, Causes, and Types of Anemia

Some health problems in humans can be seen from their physical changes. One of them is anemia, which causes the body to be weak and lack energy. Anemia is a low level of red blood cells, which are essential for distributing oxygen. While oxygen plays a role in metabolic processes,

Anemia occurs due to hemoglobin abnormalities due to low hemoglobin levels in the normal range, which is 14 grams for men and 12 grams for women. Hemoglobin is the part of red blood cells whose job it is to transport oxygen.


Symptoms of anemia

Ideally, the number of red blood cells in the body is sufficient to meet the needs so that they can distribute oxygen properly. However, due to certain conditions, the amount can decrease drastically, causing health problems.

Due to the limited distribution of oxygen, the body lacks this important substance. In a long time, the body will drop and be susceptible to disease. If the condition gets worse, you should immediately get treatment from a doctor. Symptoms seen in people with anemia are :

  • Lethargic

  • get tired quickly

  • sweat

  • short breaths

  • irregular heart rhythm

  • easy to fall asleep

  • yellow skin

  • At first glance, this symptom is not visible, so it is not recognized by the patient. But if it gets worse, the impact is even more obvious. The fix is to take blood-boosting supplements, do transfusions, increase your intake of iron-containing foods, consume protein sources, and consume vegetables.


Causes of Anemia

Anemia is a common health disorder but should not be underestimated because the consequences can be fatal for sufferers. This disorder can occur at all ages, from children to adults.

People who are prone to anemia are women who are menstruating and pregnant women. There are many children who experience it, and it can interfere with their growth and development. The cause of anemia can be due to:

  • Genetic factors: people who have parents with congenital anemia can experience the same thing, so they need to pay attention to their daily food intake.

  • Disorders of the immune system: a compromised immune system causes abnormal blood production, one of which is low levels of red blood cells.

  • Chronic medical history: a person who has had chronic health problems and received certain medical treatment may experience changes in the productivity of several important substances in the body, including low red blood cell production.

  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, the body needs several nutrients in excess, one of which is iron, which is important for the formation of red blood cells.

  • Menstruation: red blood cells can come out in large quantities during menstruation, reducing their availability in the body. This causes weakness, lethargy, and easy sleepiness.


Anemia Type

Symptoms of anemia are actually common at all ages, but the highest number of sufferers are women. Apart from the low production of red blood cells, these health problems can also occur due to bleeding and the faster breakdown of hemoglobin. Based on the type, anemia is divided into eight groups, namely :

  • Thalassemia: this first type can occur due to hereditary factors. If one parent has thalassemia, then their child has the potential to experience the same thing. This disease occurs due to DNA changes that cause abnormal forms of hemoglobin that die easily.

  • Sickle cell anemia: this type of anemia also occurs due to hereditary factors. If both parents have deformed red blood cells that are sickle-shaped, then their children will experience the same thing. Crescent-shaped red blood cells are not flexible, are easily sticky, and die, causing anemia.

  • Due to chronic diseases: chronic diseases such as HIV, cancer, kidney, and others can affect the shape of red blood cells so that they die quickly and cannot transport oxygen smoothly.

  • Hemolytic anemia is a health disorder in which red blood cells are more easily destroyed than they are formed, so that their number is insufficient. As a result, the distribution of oxygen will be disrupted. This type can also occur due to genetic factors.

  • Aplastic anemia: this type of anemia is related to the role of the bone marrow in producing red blood cells. Because this part of the body is damaged, it cannot produce the required amount of red blood cells. The cause could be drug use, autoimmune disease, infection, antibiotic use, or chemical exposure.

  • Anemia due to bleeding is one of the reasons why a person who bleeds in large quantities needs an immediate transfusion because it can result in low oxygen distribution due to anemia. The causes can be accidents, hemorrhoids, menstruation, childbirth, drug use, and colon cancer.

  • Anemia due to pregnancy: during pregnancy and fetal growth, the mother needs more iron, hemoglobin-forming substances, folic acid, and others. If it is not fulfilled, you will experience anemia.

  •  Anemia due to a lack of iron: iron is important for the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells. If the body does not get it in sufficient quantities, both from food intake and supplements, it can have an impact on anemia.

By recognizing the causes and types of anemia, it will be easier to deal with it. A poor distribution of oxygen to the organs of the body can be fatal. Because of that, you should not underestimate the symptoms of anemia that occur.

If Hermina's friends experience symptoms of anemia, immediately consult a specialist at the nearest Hermina Hospital. Hermina's friends can also consult with our specialist online first through Halo Hermina.
