ususbuntu, appendicitis, bedah, nyeriperut

Recognize Appendicitis Symptoms and Examination

When you have appendicitis and it is not treated promptly, it can cause your appendix to burst. When this happens, bacteria are released into your abdomen and can cause a serious infection. A ruptured appendix can make you feel very sick and can sometimes be difficult to treat.


Appendicitis is an inflammatory process of the appendix that usually occurs due to an infectious process. This acute condition causes disruption to the appendix and surrounding organs. Appendicitis is a common emergency condition that requires immediate examination and treatment. 


The initial complaint is usually nonspecific abdominal pain followed by nausea and vomiting, and there may be a decrease in appetite. The abdominal pain then moves and centers around the lower right, although there may be complaints in other parts of the abdomen. Abdominal pain may occur within the first 24-48 hours of inflammation of the appendix.

  • Abdominal pain (in most cases)
  • Nausea and vomiting (61-92%)
  • Anorexia or decreased appetite
  • Fever
  • Constipation


The diagnosis of appendicitis is made by a health professional at a health facility

  • Interview and physical examination 
  • Lab examination (complete blood, complete urine)
  • Radiologic examination (ultrasonography)
  • In female patients, an evaluation of the female organs should also be done to rule out the possibility of a disease condition that may also cause abdominal pain.


If left untreated, the appendix can become increasingly inflamed, leading to its rupture (perforation). If the appendix is perforated, severe infection of the entire abdomen can occur and this is a serious complication.


The initial treatment is generally the administration of painkillers, anti-nausea, and antibiotics to help relieve complaints temporarily. The patient will then be prepared for surgery to remove the appendix. In this case, surgery is the only definitive therapy for appendicitis as the infected and inflamed appendix must be removed immediately to prevent further infection and disruption of the surrounding organs.
