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Lupus Has Other Types? Let's Get to Know the Types

Did you know that Friends of Hermina suffer from lupus in Indonesia by 0.5 percent of the total population, which means that around 1,250,000 people have lupus in Indonesia according to survey data from Professor Handono Kalim et al. in 2017. Meanwhile, based on data from the Indonesian SLE Association, the incidence of lupus cases increased in hospitals in Indonesia by 10.5 percent in 2016, and every year new cases of lupus are found.

Lupus, also known as systemic lupus erythematosus, is a type of autoimmune disease that often affects women. Instead of protecting the body, lupus actually attacks the cells, tissues, and organs of the body itself.

This can lead to chronic inflammation. Lupus itself can also attack parts of the body, such as blood cells, kidneys, skin, joints, the heart, lungs, and spinal cord. But it needs to be underlined that it turns out that lupus has several types. Among them are the types of lupus that Hermina friends need to know about.


  1. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

SLE is the type of lupus most often experienced by people with lupus. SLE can attack any tissue or organ in the body with mild to severe symptoms. When symptoms get worse, it is called a flare, and when symptoms get better or go away, it is called a remission. The most common symptoms of SLE include skin rashes, swelling or pain in the joints, swelling around the eyes and legs, and experiencing extreme fatigue.


  1. Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE)

DLE is a type of lupus that only affects the skin, but the effects of DLE can attack other tissues and organs. DLE itself can be controlled by avoiding exposure to direct sunlight and drugs.


Symptoms of discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) usually include hair loss and permanent baldness. Apart from hair loss, other symptoms can include a red, round, scaly rash on the skin, which will sometimes thicken and cause scarring.


  1. Neonatal Lupus

Lupus is usually only found in babies whose mothers have certain autoimmune diseases. These autoimmune antibodies pass from the mother to the fetus through the placenta. It should be noted that not all mothers who have antibodies for lupus have symptoms. Symptoms of neonatal lupus include skin rashes, low blood cell counts, and postpartum liver problems. While the symptoms that occur in infants have heart defects and can disappear after a few months.


That is, because autoantibodies (SSA/B) can cross the placenta and cause conduction problems in the heart (heart block), patients with lupus need to be closely monitored during pregnancy. Monitoring can be done by obstetricians and internal medicine specialists.


  1. Lupus Due to Drug Induction

Lupus is also known as drug-induced lupus (DIL) or induced lupus erythematosus (DILE). The side effects of drugs can also trigger the occurrence of lupus. But the side effects of the drug will also vary from person to person. More than 100 types of drugs can cause side effects similar to lupus symptoms in certain people.


Drug-induced lupus symptoms will generally disappear if the patient stops taking or using the drug. Therefore, this type of lupus usually does not need special treatment. However, always talk to a doctor before deciding to stop taking drugs with a doctor's prescription.


Friends of Hermina, those are some types of lupus that we can know and understand. If Herimna's friend experiences some of the symptoms above, immediately consult your health problem with a specialist so that you can get fast and appropriate treatment.
