saraf kejepit, dokter saraf, hernia nukleus pulposus

Hernia Nukleus Pulposus or Pinched Nerve Recognize the Symptoms Before They Get Bad

Friends of Hermina, have you ever felt pain with a sharp sensation in the lower back area? Or even spread to the legs? Be alert, because this could be a symptom of a pinched nerve. This pain sensation will especially increase when Hermina's best friend bends over or is lifting something heavy. Let's get to know the symptoms...

What is a pinched nerve?
A condition in which the nerve fibers in the spine are compressed by the surrounding tissue, which can be compressed by the muscles, tendons, bones or cartilage in the spine. This condition causes pain to radiate to other parts of the body depending on where the nerve is pinched.

What causes a pinched nerve?

  1. Hernia Nucleus Pulposus or disc herniation, a condition in which the spinal disc herniates from its rightful place, pressing the surrounding nerves.
  2. Stenosis Spinal, namely the narrowing of the spine is not normal
  3. Rheumatoid Arthritis, namely inflammation of the joints of the spine
  4. Spine injury

How can we prevent the risk of a pinched nerve?
Friends of Hermina who have experienced this pinched nerve can experience it again in the future. Therefore in order to prevent the risk of getting pinched nerve disease or repeating itself, we can do the following things:

  1. Get used to sitting or standing with good and correct posture
  2. Maintain ideal body weight according to body mass index
  3. Exercise regularly to strengthen muscles and relax the body
  4. For friends of Hermina who have spinal disorders, use a brace/corset to maintain a good and correct body position

What are the symptoms caused?

  1. Reduced sensation in the pinched area and its propagation
  2. Sharp pain to a burning sensation
  3. Often feel tingling
  4. Feet or hands often feel difficult to move

What is the initial treatment if you already feel these symptoms?

  1. Reduce strenuous activity
  2. Doing low impact exercises like swimming
  3. Routinely do physiotherapy if the doctor has recommended it

Immediately consult a doctor, friend of Hermina, if you feel any of the symptoms above.
