katarak, matakatarak

Who Has a Higher Risk of Developing Cataracts?

Cataract is a condition of cloudiness in the normally clear lens of the eye. For people suffering from cataracts, looking through a cloudy lens is like looking through a frozen or foggy window. The blurred vision caused by cataracts can make it difficult to read, drive a car (especially at night), or see expressions on other people's faces.

Most cataract disease develops slowly and does not impair vision early on. But over time, cataracts will eventually start to become apparent and interfere with vision. Initially, wearing glasses may help with cataracts. But if the visual impairment becomes more serious, cataract surgery may be required.



Cataracts are a disease of the eye that generally occurs due to the aging process, but there are types of cataracts that are not related to old age. Cataract is a disease that affects the sense of vision due to thickening and clouding of the lens of the eye. This process occurs slowly and progressively with age, but can be accelerated by the presence of risk factors. Cataract disease is a preventable cause of blindness if detected early and treated promptly.


Risk Factors

Some people may have a higher risk of developing cataracts.

  • Old age
  • Having comorbid diseases (hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, obesity)
  • Exposure to UV light



Common complaints are initially a decrease in vision or sharpness of vision that worsens over time. Other complaints may include:

  • Decreased visual acuity, which may be worse at night.
  • Glare, especially in bright environments or when exposed to flashes of light
  • Worsening of myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Double vision



Establishing a diagnosis of cataract requires a thorough eye examination to evaluate the condition of the eye and vision.

  • Interview and general physical examination
  • History of disease and treatment
  • Sharp vision examination
  • Examination of the condition of the eyeball
  • Examination of the condition of the visual nerve
  • Assessment of the severity of cataracts on the lens of the eye



Generally, cataracts that are severe enough to interfere with vision require surgery to remove the hardened and enlarged lens and replace it with an artificial lens.


Cataracts can be checked at RS Hermina Grand Wisata with your favorite ophthalmologist.
