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Dry Needling, Therapeutic Method of Inserting Needles to Relieve Pain

what is dry needling therapy?
Many people may still feel unfamiliar with the term dry needling. What exactly is Dry Needling?
Dry needling or dry needle technique is a method of medical rehabilitation that uses solid needles to relax muscles, this method inserts filiform needles into the skin, fascia or muscles. Filiform needles are fine, short stainless steel needles that do not introduce fluids into the body.

The benefits of dry needling?
Dry Needling can stimulate or stimulate the healing process of soft tissues (muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, etc.) which are the cause of pain thereby increasing the Range Of Motion (ROM) and the quality of movement in the joints.
Dry Needling can treat a variety of pain, but can also be used for acute or chronic injuries, headaches, neck or back pain, tendinitis, muscle spasms, hip or knee pain, torn muscles (strains), fibromyalgia and tennis/golfer elbow.

The Principles of Therapy?
Dry Needling will stimulate the points that underlie myofascial trigger points for pain management and neuromusculoskeletal movement disorders (nerves, muscles and bones). The goal is to reduce/eliminate pain and increase the range of motion of the joints.

Trigger points are sensitive hyperirritable points in a tense muscle or fascia. This point may form a lump that is palpable when pressed. The point is very painful and pain can radiate to the surrounding area. Dry Needling can help relax tense muscles so that the palpable lump disappears and can reduce pain in the muscles.
Dry Needling therapy is based on physiological systems and must be performed by a certified doctor. The process itself is not as simple as one might imagine because the doctor must find the trigger point for each muscle according to the patient's complaints and the results of the examination.

During the treatment process, the patient will feel a Local Twitch Response (LTR) or muscle dancing in the affected trigger point area. In this condition the patient must be calm and relaxed because the emergence of muscle dancing is unpredictable. When this happens, the patient must remain calm and not try to pull on the part of the muscle being treated.Healthy muscles feel a little uncomfortable with the needle being pricked, but muscles that are sensitive and shortened or have trigger points in them will feel a sensation like muscle cramps. This puncture can cause a twitch if it hits the trigger point.

Dry needling is different from acupuncture. While acupuncture is based on theories from traditional Chinese medicine, dry needling is based on modern scientific studies of Western neuroanatomy and the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. This technique is carried out using the Fascia Adhesion Model (FAM) approach. However, dry needling and acupuncture both use the same tool, namely the filiform needle.
