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smart generation since pregnancy

Having a baby who is born healthy is of course the dream of every parent. To get it, of course, must maintain the health of the womb. Knowledge of pregnant women about the nutritional content that they should consume will have an impact on the baby in the womb. In addition to maintaining the health of the mother, the nutrition of the fetus will also be fulfilled. If the nutritional needs of the mother are not met, it opens the opportunity for the mother to give birth to a baby with small weight or a baby with low nutrition. Another impact that can be caused is that the fetus will lose the opportunity to obtain optimal brain formation. For this reason, a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy is very important because it will affect the delivery process later, reducing the risk of miscarriage, premature and so on.
The high rate of maternal and infant mortality in Indonesia is due to a lack of knowledge of mothers about problems that can arise in pregnancy, inaccurate pregnancy tests, poor delivery management, difficulties in getting/reaching other health facilities. While the cause of miscarriage can also be caused by lifestyle. Among them are consuming junk food, cigarettes and liquor. Women who tend to smoke, drink alcohol, are obese or underweight can have hormonal disorders that can cause pregnancy problems.
Based on the description above, to understand about a healthy pregnancy can not only with one aspect, but must be comprehensive with the dimensions faced. In this way, accurate and complete information about a healthy pregnancy can be obtained. Based on the above phenomenon, it is hoped that there will be a healthy pregnancy concept that can be a guide for pregnant women, with the hope that the mother and fetus are born safely, healthy and will grow up to be smart children.
Healthy Pregnancy
When a woman wants to get pregnant, that's where a commitment to living a healthy life begins. A healthy lifestyle during pregnancy is a serious concern because it will affect the continuity of the mother's health, growth and development of the fetus, the delivery process, and reduce the risk of abnormal births in the fetus. A healthy pregnancy is supported by a pre-pregnancy health check. Among them with the reproductive examination of the mother and father. This examination is important because it will help overcome the possibility of genetic disorders in the baby in the womb.
Pregnant women often do not realize their habit of trivializing the little things that turn out to have a big impact on the health of the fetus. It is not easy to change habits that are inherent in everyday life. It takes a strong determination to prepare a quality next generation. Not only smart academically but also good at socializing with the surrounding environment. Mother's new task also increases, namely balancing the intelligent quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ). Good IQ and EQ values ​​will produce quality individuals. The individual is expected to maximize the potential for self-improvement and the environment. It can be started since fertilization occurs in the mother's womb. This healthy pregnancy pattern will later become a rule for the mother in living her days.
1.Pregnancy Reference Master
 During pregnancy, women go through many changes. These changes occur due to hormonal changes that affect physical and emotional changes. For example, there are signs of excessive nausea and vomiting, an enlarged body shape, the appearance of acne on the face. There are times when the mood changes. One day you will be very happy with the presence of your baby, but not long after, anxiety and worry arise. There are a bunch of questions that make pregnant women hesitate. Will the baby be born safe? Can you be a good mother to your child? Will the partner still love him even though his body shape can't be as before? The unpreparedness of pregnant women to face the changes that are in him is what often triggers new problems. If pregnant women lack the correct knowledge about the pregnancy process, of course this will be a cause of stress. If not treated immediately and find a solution, it will endanger the fetus itself. It's different when the mother has a lot of pregnancy information, even if the person is pregnant for the first time. He will be calmer because he understands this is a normal and natural phase of the pregnancy process. Various sources of information can be obtained from books, magazines, newspapers or sources from the internet of various types. Health websites from related agencies are very supportive for pregnant women to increase their knowledge. The ease of getting this information will help pregnant women to update their pregnancy references. Sharing with parents or relatives who have had experience is also an alternative to enrich pregnancy information. Of course, not all information is absorbed raw. Cross-checking the validity of information sources is no less important, so that we do not misunderstand certain situations. If we use information sources from the internet, then refer to information from an institution / agency that is competent in its field. If we refer to the source of a book or magazine, then we refer to the author. Make sure the person concerned is an expert and competent in his/her field. Do not interpret all the information we receive raw. References about pregnancy are needed for pregnant women as provisions that will become the spearhead of the mother's readiness in undergoing her new phase.
2. Regulating Diet and Nutritional Content
Lately, there are many foods that are dangerous when consumed, especially those containing dyes, preservatives, and food flavorings. This means that some of these foods are also unsafe for pregnant women to eat. In addition to food, there are types of drinks that need to be avoided for a healthy pregnancy, such as alcoholic beverages, and drinks containing caffeine. For pregnant women, the selection of food and drinks must be considered so that the health of the baby in the womb is maintained. A good diet during pregnancy can help the body cope with the special demands of being pregnant, as well as have a positive influence on the baby's health for breastfeeding and parenting.
 In principle, the food intake of pregnant women must be balanced, diverse, varied, and proportional. Good nutritional intake during pregnancy will have an impact on the supply of good nutritional needs for fetal growth. On the other hand, with the mother's nutritional needs not being met, she will give birth to a small baby. In addition, the impact of poor nutrition is that the fetus will lose the opportunity to obtain optimal brain formation. While the period of brain growth lasts from the fetus to the baby aged 18 months. If the nutritional needs in this phase are not met, it will be difficult to catch up in later ages. That way, the child has a high chance of contracting the disease, has a low digestive rate and has brittle bones.
3. Avoid Alcoholic Drinks
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy even in small amounts but regularly can damage the fetus in the womb. The effects of consuming alcohol during pregnancy can lead to a condition called "fetal alcohol syndrome". This results in the fetus will experience slow development, both before the baby is born and after the baby is born. Drinking too much alcohol can damage almost any part of the body, such as the digestive system, heart, brain circulation, and nervous system. In addition, it affects the lack of vital nutrients, such as folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin A, magnesium, and iron.
4. Avoid Smoking
It is not easy to leave this one habit. A study revealed that pregnant women who smoked both light and heavy, on average gave birth to babies with less than normal weight than babies born to mothers who did not smoke. Cigarette smoke will reduce the supply of oxygen which is needed in the process of fetal nerve growth. Nicotine in cigarettes will make the uteroplacental tract narrow, this causes the baby's brain cells to suffer from hypoxia or lack of oxygen. Smoking is one of the causes of various disorders in the fetus. Among them, the increased risk of miscarriage in the early trimester, bleeding in the last trimester, impaired fetal growth to disability. Pregnant women should avoid secondhand smoke, whether they are active smokers or passive smokers. In fact, both are equally dangerous. In a study mentioned passive smokers actually 3 times the risk of experiencing health problems. Secondhand smoke can experience symptoms such as excessive mucus formation in the airways, coughing, lung irritation, chest pain and the creation of chest discomfort.
Pregnancy is not an excuse to be lazy to exercise. Pregnant women should also continue to exercise, in the context of light exercise that does not exhaust their energy and does what they can. In addition to maintaining good stamina for pregnant women, exercise also controls weight gain, reduces complaints of insomnia, reduces swelling, and reduces the risk of diabetes during pregnancy. Another benefit is to make it easier for her to give birth later. A wide variety of light exercise options to choose from. Walking, static cycling, pregnancy exercise and swimming are examples of sports that are recommended during pregnancy. Pregnancy exercise can train certain muscles that can help the normal delivery process, such as the abdominal muscles, pelvic muscles and thigh muscles. Pregnancy exercise is an exercise for pregnant women to adjust to the changes that occur in their bodies and is one of the preparations for childbirth. Pregnancy exercise is recommended because it has many benefits. After entering 7 months of pregnancy, pregnancy exercise is highly recommended so that childbirth can be passed naturally so as to reduce the number of operations, as well as relieve stress on pregnant women because pregnancy exercise contains relaxation.
6. Check regularly with the doctor
 Every pregnant woman certainly wants the best for her fetus, therefore she must really maintain a healthy body so that the fetus in the womb will be born healthy. By frequently controlling the condition of your pregnancy, you can find out about the progress of your pregnancy. In addition to ensuring how the baby is in the womb as early as possible, doctors can act as soon as possible if there are problems with pregnancy. The doctor will arrange treatment to avoid anything that harms the mother and fetus. Knowing the growth and development of the fetus in the womb and monitoring the health of the mother in the hope that the delivery process will run smoothly and safely. Those are some of the reasons why mothers are advised to check with the doctor regularly after conception. In addition, make sure to check your pregnancy with only one doctor, so that the development of the fetus can be known in detail. The same thing from Dr. Sita reminded, do not "shop" the doctor. It often happens that prospective mothers move from one doctor to another. “Use only one doctor. When "shopping" a doctor, medical records are scattered.
 too tired.
7. Manage Emotions and Get Enough Rest
There are several things that can be used as a solution in managing emotions during pregnancy. Among them, getting closer to the Creator. This is important because the closer we are to the Creator, we will feel calmer. Emotions that are turbulent if balanced with high and strong religiosity will create calm. Pregnant women do have to manage their moods so they don't develop into stress. Some physical symptoms that indicate that pregnant women are stressed are increased heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, fatigue, headaches, muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back, sleep disturbances, no appetite, cold feet and sweaty hands. This condition is motivated by an unstable emotional state. While the emotional symptoms that appear are anger, worry, fear, feeling insecure, crying easily and not being able to deal with problems. Depression during pregnancy affects the fetus, especially in the first trimester, when the fetus is undergoing brain formation. The condition of the mother is very important to note. His emotions must be controlled and calm for the sake of the development of the fetus itself. Stress or depression causes the release of excess adrenaline, making pregnant women more irritable and irritated. These hormones are formed in the presence of essential nutrients for the body. The decrease in essential substances for the body causes a decrease in the immune system, making the mother susceptible to infections that can worsen pregnancy. Instead, focus your mind to always be calm. If fatigue strikes, immediately get enough rest. For pregnant women, adequate rest is a non-negotiable condition. The impact will be very dangerous for a pregnant woman who is too active and too tired.
