Healthy with balanced nutrition
Hello Hermina Friends, diet is very helpful for health, and in managing your diet you also have to know about good and balanced nutrition for the body. It is important to know that balanced nutrition is a daily intake arrangement in which the types and amounts of nutrients are in accordance with the body's needs.
Fulfillng this nutritional intake must also pay attention to the principles of food diversity, physical activity, clean living behavior, and maintaining a normal body weight to prevent nutritional problems.
The need for balanced nutrition consists of 4 pillars, aimed at balancing the nutrients that come out and the nutrients that come in by controlling body weight regularly.
4 Pillars of Balanced Nutrition:
Consume a variety of foods
In one source of nutrients consumed a variety of foods.
As a source of carbohydrates, we can get around 3-4 portions of rice, noodles, tubers, flour a day.
Sources of protein from fish, chicken, beef, eggs, tofu, tempeh and nuts, around 2-4 portions a day. We can get sources of vitamins from vegetables and fruit of various colors, each with around 2-3 portions of fruit per day and 3-4 portions of vegetables per day.
Both fruits and vegetables should be consumed and not chosen based on preference because the vitamins and minerals they contain have different functions in our bodies. Limit consumption of sugar, salt and oil, choose ready-made foods by looking at the composition of the additional food ingredients they contain.
Hoever, consumption of a variety of foods must be in balanced food proportions, in sufficient quantities, not excessive, and done regularly.
Active lifestyle and exercise
An active lifestyle involves physical activity. Physical activity is all kinds of bodily activities, including sports. Physical activity is the body's effort to balance the entry and exit of nutrients, especially the main source of energy in the body. Apart from that, physical activity can also speed up the body's metabolic system, including the metabolism of nutrients. To increase physical activity, we can add exercise at least 3 times a week with a duration of 30 minutes per session. So that the balance of nutrients in the body can be maintained.
3. Adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle
According to Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health, health is a state of health both physically, mentally, spiritually and socially which allows everyone to live a productive life socially and economically.
By implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS), we can avoid infectious diseases. In fact, 45% of diarrheal diseases can be prevented by washing hands.
4. Maintain ideal body weight
One indicator that shows that there has been a nutritional balance in the body is having a normal body weight in Body Mass Index (BMI). Monitoring body weight can be done by measuring body weight per height squared in meters using the guide as shown in the picture.
If Hermina's friends want to consult about balanced nutrition, you can go to Dr. Patricia FC Halim Puteri, Sp.GK (Clinical Nutrition Specialist) Hermina Bitung Hospital
Source :
P2PTM Kemenkes RI (23 Juli 2018). Isi Piringku Sekali Makan. URL
P2PTM Kemenkes RI (10 Juli 2018). Batas Ambang IMT Untuk Indonesia . URL