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Signs of Hearing Impairment to Be Aware Of

Modern lifestyle often requires us to connect with technology, especially during the pandemic where online meetings and video calls have become daily necessities. However, excessive use of headphones or earbuds can pose serious risks of hearing impairment.

Hearing impairment is not a trivial matter. When hearing is impaired, daily activities can be affected. Therefore, it is important for us to recognize the signs of hearing impairment as early as possible so that we can receive appropriate treatment from medical professionals.

What Is Hearing Impairment?

Hearing impairment is a condition in which a person experiences obstacles in the hearing process, from the outer ear, middle ear, to the brain. This can be caused by various factors, including exposure to loud and prolonged sounds.

Signs of Hearing Impairment to Be Aware Of

1. Frequently Turning Up the Volume
   If you often feel the need to raise the volume of the radio, television, or music to a high level, this could be an early sign of hearing impairment. Pay attention to this habit and consider lowering the volume.

2. Asking for Repetition in Conversations
   If you often ask your conversation partner to repeat what they say, this could be a sign that your hearing is impaired. Do not ignore this symptom and consult an ENT Specialist.

3. Tinnitus (Ringing or Buzzing in the Ears)
   Sensations of ringing or buzzing not caused by external sound sources can be a sign of hearing impairment. This could be a serious symptom that requires medical attention.

4. Told That You Speak Too Loudly
   If others often say that you speak too loudly without you realizing it, this could indicate that you may have hearing impairment. Pay attention to others' responses to the volume of your speech.

5. Difficulty Following Conversations
   Difficulty in following ongoing conversations could be a sign that your hearing is not optimal. If you often struggle to understand what others are saying, then consult a doctor promptly.

Tips for Caring for Your Hearing

In addition to recognizing the signs of hearing impairment, there are several steps you can take to care for your hearing:

- Rest Your Ears
  Give your ears a rest every hour for 10-15 minutes if you often use headphones or earphones. Use them alternately on the right and left ears to reduce pressure on the ears.

- Use Headphones Wisely
  It's better to use headphones than earphones, and make sure the volume is kept within safe limits.

Consult an ENT Specialist.

If you experience any or several of the above signs, do not hesitate to consult the nearest healthcare facility. Early intervention will help reduce the risk of complications and allow you to enjoy daily activities without hindrance.

Hearing health is a valuable asset that needs to be maintained. By recognizing the signs of hearing impairment and taking appropriate preventive measures, we can keep our hearing optimal and enjoy life better.
