dr. Indah Tri Haryuni, Sp.OG merupakan dokter spesialis kebidanan dan kandungan RSIA Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga
yang mendalami kesehatan sistem reproduksi wanita. Selain itu, dokter yang sering juga disebut sebagai
dokter spesialis obstetri dan ginekologi (obgyn) yang utamanya berperan dalam membantu memeriksa ibu
hamil, membantu persalinan, dan perawatan setelah persalinan. Meski sebenarnya beragam kondisi dan
penyakit yang memengaruhi sistem reproduksi wanita juga dapat ditangani oleh dokter kandungan.
Tips for Maintaining Health During Menopause
Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life that marks the end of the menstrual cycle. It usually occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55, although some may experience it earlier or later. This phase is accompanied by a decrease in estrogen and progesterone hormones, often triggering va...
Exclusive Breastfeeding, Tips for Launching Breastfeeding with Relaxation
For mothers who have just given birth, breastfeeding their baby can be one of the best experiences. But sometimes there are problems that can hinder breastfeeding. This problem has the potential to hamper the exclusive breastfeeding program, namely breastfeeding babies from birth to six months o...