Hermina Talks with IPSI Malang City

Hermina Talks with IPSI Malang City

Becoming a professional athlete is often seen as a dream job. Apart from that, in sports organizations, athletes also experience many of the same difficulties faced by office workers in general. For example, problems in relationships with the team or with superiors. Even athletes often find problems within organizations more stressful than training or competition.

Therefore, Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital was present at the metal preparation activity for Malang City IPSI athletes, before facing the championship in September-December 2024. With resource person Afif Kurniawan, Afif Kurniawan, S.Psi M.Psi psychologist dr. Azizati Rochmania, Sp.KFR – FRSport at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital.

Hopefully the knowledge that has been provided can increase athletes' confidence in facing the competition later.

Healthy Greetings with Hermina Hospital.

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