Gejala Nyeri Punggung Yang Harus Diwaspadai
Back pain or back pain attacks a lot when human activities or movements have exceeded reasonable limits. This is because the human body has limits of motion.
For each person, the common causes of back pain can vary, can come from the mechanical / structural spine, due to inflammation, and other medical conditions. However, there are several risk factors that can cause back pain, including:
- Age
- Smoking Habits
- Physical fitness
- Muscle strength
- Obesity
- Work
- Psychosocial
- And others
Common symptoms of back pain / low back pain are:
- Increased pain when lifting and bending
- Pain that gets worse at rest, sitting, or standing
- Back/Back pain that comes and goes
- Stiffness that occurs in the morning when waking up, then back pain disappears after doing activities
- Pain that radiates from the back to the buttocks, legs, or hips
Pain or pain in the back or waist can get worse due to certain conditions such as body position when lifting and bending, position and how to sit, posture when standing, and rest. Symptoms of back pain can manifest into other diseases, therefore back pain cannot be ignored, here are the symptoms and conditions of back pain to watch out for:
- Pain that can cause numbness and tingling
- Severe back/back pain that does not improve after treatment
- Back/back pain after injury or fall
- Back pain along with:
- Difficulty urinating
- Weakness, pain or numbness of the legs
- Fever
- Weight loss not related to diet
Tips on how to prevent Back Pain:
- Avoid movements that are sudden or that strain the back
- Maintaining correct posture
- Lifting objects correctly
- Exercise regularly
- Maintain ideal body weight, vitamins and adequate nutrition
- Change sitting positions as often as possible and place your feet on low stools
- Wear low, comfortable heels
- Quit
- Sleep on your side and put a pillow between your 2 legs
- To pick up heavy items, use the correct transport technique
- Sleep using a mattress that is solid or not too soft
Back Pain Therapy
The main principle of pain therapy management is to relieve pain or reduce pain. There are two types of steps that can be taken:
- Pharmacology ( drugs )
- Non Pharmacology (non drugs)
Non-pharmacological therapy has various types including:
- Keep moving and moving
- Education
- Sport
- Physiotherapy ( Stabilization, strengthening / stretching exercises and massage )
- Psychological therapy
- Cognitive behavioral function
- Multidisciplinary treatment
Jadi penyakit nyeri punggung atau nyeri pinggang merupakan suatu penyakit yang terjadi karena pola prilaku atau aktifitas fisik, upaya pencegahnya bisa dilakukan dengan pola hidup sehat, dan selalu memperhatikan postur dan Gerakan tubuh agar sesuai dengan struktur tubuh dan batas kinerjanya.