dr. Benny Muliawan, Sp.BP-RE

dr. Benny Muliawan, Sp.BP-RE

 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

 Hermina Serpong

dr. Benny Muliawan, Sp.BP-RE merupakan dokter RS Hermina Serpong yang berfokus pada bidang rekonstruksi dan estetik. Adapun lingkup dalam penanganan pada jaringan kulit dari kepala hingga kaki, trauma luka bakar, luka akut, luka kronik, kelainan bawaan wajah seperti bibir sumbing & langit-langit mulut , trauma jaringan lunak dan tulang wajah, kelainan jaringan lunak pada jari dll. dr. Benny Muliawan, Sp.BP-RE juga berkompetensi di bidang ilmu estetik. Dalam pelayanannya terdapat tatalaksana estetik secara bedah seperti rhinoplasty, blefaroplasty, eksisi xanthelasma , augmentasi bibir, cangkok lemak, dll dan tatalaksana non bedah untuk harmonisasi wajah dan peremajaan kulit (rejuvenation) sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasien. dr. Benny Muliawan Sp.BP-RE dapat bekerja sama dengan dokter spesialistik lain dan sub spesialistik bedah plastik lain untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah dan kebutuhan pasien
What is Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgeons are  doctors who have completed basic medical doctor education and then progressed to specialization in the field of plastic surgery. This specialization involves a residency program lasting 4-6 years. Plastic surgeons are medical professionals who specialize in performing...

What is Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgeons are  doctors who have completed basic medical doctor education and then progressed to specialization in the field of plastic surgery. This specialization involves a residency program lasting 4-6 years. Plastic surgeons are medical professionals who specialize in performing...

Getting to know Burns can happen to anyone, anywhere

In our daily lives and activities, there are many objects and materials that we usually use but can cause burns if we are not careful in using them. Injuries caused by burns due to daily activities can cause minor injuries to fatal injuries. Burns are injuries that can affect the skin and underl...

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