Beliau merupakan dokter spesialis kebidanan dan kandungan yang lebih fokus pada fertilitas yang secara khusus menangani masalah kesuburan terutama program hamil dan masalah pada sistem reproduksi dan gangguan fungsi seksual, baik pada pria maupun wanita.
Hello Hermina Friends
Pregnant women who fast in the month of Ramadan is something that is very common in Muslim communities around the world. However, the decision to fast must be considered carefully because it can have an impact on the health of the mother and the baby she is carrying.
Pregnancy is a period full of joy and hope for the expectant mother and her family. However, pregnancy can also involve some problems and dangers that need to be watched out for. Understanding the danger signs and problems of pregnancy is important to ensure the health and safety of the mother a...
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Nutrients Needed by Mothers
Infertility Risk Factors
Is it Safe? When Pregnant Women Fast During the Month of Ramadan
Hello Hermina Friends Pregnant women who fast in the month of Ramadan is something that is very common in Muslim communities around the world. However, the decision to fast must be considered carefully because it can have an impact on the health of the mother and the baby she is carrying. ...
Is pregnant? Don't Ignore If Mom's Experiencing Dangerous Signs Like These
Pregnancy is a period full of joy and hope for the expectant mother and her family. However, pregnancy can also involve some problems and dangers that need to be watched out for. Understanding the danger signs and problems of pregnancy is important to ensure the health and safety of the mother a...