dr. Raden Ayu Siti Juhariyah, Sp.P

dr. Raden Ayu Siti Juhariyah, Sp.P


 Hermina Tangkuban Perahu

Asma, Infeksi paru, Penyakit paru interstisial, Bronkitis, Bronkiektasis, Penyakit paru obstruktif kronik, Penyakit paru okupasional, Kanker paru
Recognize the Symptoms and Treatment of Tuberculosis (TB)

Recognize the Symptoms and Treatment of Tuberculosis (TB) Tuberculosis or commonly abbreviated as TB is a disease that is often heard of in society. Yes, the number of TB case discoveries in 2023 will increase so that the highest case notifications in history will be achieved in 2022 and 2023...

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