dr. Rita Andriyani, SpA (K)

dr. Rita Andriyani, SpA (K)

 Pediatrics - (Growth and Development)

 Hermina Bekasi

dr. Rita Andriyani, SpA(K) merupakan dokter Anak RS Hermina Bekasi yang berfokus pada berhubungan dengan aspek tumbuh kembang anak. dr. Rita Andriyani, Sp.A(K) berperan dalam mengevaluasi atau memonitor serta mendiagnosis dan menangani berbagai masalah pada tumbuh kembang anak, juga sering kali berperan dalam menangani anak-anak dengan kebutuhan khusus.
The First Thousand Days Of Life As A Child's 'Golden Age'

Hermina's friend, having children is a gift for every parent. Of course as parents we will not miss any developments or activities carried out by children. The golden period of child development turns out to need to be prepared from the womb. Let's look at the preparations of father & mother...

Parents must recognize "Red Flag" Children's Growth and Development

Every parent expects their little one to grow and develop according to their age. However, there are some children whose growth and development are not in accordance with their age. First, let's identify the meaning of child development. Growth is an increase in the size and number of cells ph...

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