DR. Riyadi dr.,SpA, Subsp IPT, M.Kes

DR. Riyadi dr.,SpA, Subsp IPT, M.Kes

 Pediatrics - (Pediatrics Tropical Disease)

 Hermina Pasteur

This doctor unavailable for appointment
dr. Riyadi, Sp.A. (K) M.Kes merupakan dokter subspesialis infeksi & pediatri Tropis anak RS Hermina Pasteur yang berfokus dalam mengenai pencegahan, diagnosis, dan perawatan berbagai penyakit infeksi dan penyakit tropis pada anak-anak yang ber usia dibawah 18 tahun, yang meliputi pencegahan, pengobatan, hingga perawatan. dr. Riyadi, Sp.A. (K) M.Kes bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: mendiagnosis, menangani, dan mencegah berbagai penyakit infeksi dan penyakit tropis pada anak, di antaranya: Demam berdarah, chikunguya demam tifoid, tetanus, difteri, batuk rejan (pertusis), campak, penyakit demam dg rash, cacar air, toxoplasmosis, HIV, Gondongan (mumps), herpes simplex, sepsis, malaria, leptospirosis, Rabies, Sifilis, Lepra, cacingan, penyakit kaki gajah dan lain lain
Influenza Like Illness

Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) is clinically defined as an upper respiratory tract infection (ARI) by a virus with the main symptoms of dry cough, fever (approximately 38.50°C), excessive tiredness and may also be accompanied by other symptoms. , such as muscle pain (myalgia), fever, fever, headac...

Dangerous Little Monster Bites | Dengue Virus Infection

Dengue virus infection is a disease caused by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes, especially Aedes aegypti. Dengue fever is the fastest-growing mosquito-borne disease in the world. The little monster sucks blood during the day and breeds in clean, stagnant water.  Signs and symptoms : Mo...

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