Drg. Ayu Pujiningrum, Sp,KG

Drg. Ayu Pujiningrum, Sp,KG

 Dentistry - (Conservation of Teeth (Endodontics) )

 Hermina Jatinegara

Drg. Ayu Pujiningrum, Sp,KG adalah dokter gigi RS Hermina Jatinegara yang fokus dalam tindakan seputar menjaga dan mempertahankan fungsi sekaligus estetika gigi. Berikut adalah perawatan yang dilakukan Drg. Ayu Pujiningrum, Sp,KG: - Bedah endodontik. - Perawatan saluran akar. - Penambalan gigi. - Implan endodontik. - Memutihkan gigi.
Cysts on Teeth: Causes, How to Treat, and Treatment

Sahabat Hermina, a tooth cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms around the teeth or gum tissue. This condition usually develops slowly and shows no symptoms in the early stages. Cysts are generally found around the roots of teeth or areas that have experienced trauma or infection. If not treated ...

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