S1 : Universitas Muslim Indonesia 2015-2021 lulus dengan predikat Magna Cum Laude
S2/SP : Universitas Hasanuddin 2021-2024 lulus dengan predikat Magna Cum Laude
Dapat menangani penyakit pada gusi dan jaringan pendukung gigi seperti
- Terapi abses gusi
- Perdarahan pada gusi
- Scalling dan Root Planing
- Terapi gigi hipersensitif
- Terapi trauma oklusi
- Terapi gigi goyang / dental splint
- Terapi gusi pada pasien dengan penyakit sistemik
- Kuretase gusi
- Terapi gusi turun / resesi gusi
- Frenektomi
- Terapi gusi hitam (bleaching gusi/ablasi)
- Vestibuloplasty
- Gummy Smile (Crown Lengthening)
- Gusi bengkak (Gingivektomi)
- Lip reposition
- Cangkok gusi
- Cangkok tulang / bone graft
- Alveolektomi
- Microsurgery
- Ridge Preservation
- Dental Implant
Bleeding gums when brushing your teeth is a common dental problem. While it might seem like a minor issue, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition called periodontitis. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums and the supporting bone around the teeth, caused by a buildup of...
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Why Do My Gums Bleed When I Brush My Teeth?
Bleeding gums when brushing your teeth is a common dental problem. While it might seem like a minor issue, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying condition called periodontitis. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums and the supporting bone around the teeth, caused by a buildup of...