Dokter spesialis neurologi atau spesialis saraf merupakan dokter yang bertugas menangani berbagai keluhan terkait dengan gangguan otak dan saraf, seperti penyakit Parkinson, penyakit Alzheimer, kejang, demensia, cedera otak, stroke, dan lain-lain.
Stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention, where stroke is a neurological disease caused by GPDO (Brain Growth and Development Disorders) refers to various conditions that interfere with the normal development of the brain, which can cause various neurological diseases), su...
Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of Stroke: How to Quickly Recognize and Treat Them
Stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention, where stroke is a neurological disease caused by GPDO (Brain Growth and Development Disorders) refers to various conditions that interfere with the normal development of the brain, which can cause various neurological diseases), su...
What do we need to know about headaches?