Inauguration of the Hemodialysis Service at RSU Hermina Makassar

Inauguration of the Hemodialysis Service at RSU Hermina Makassar

Hello Hermina friends,

Hermina Makassar General Hospital has inaugurated the Hemodialysis service on June 22, 2023. The process of inaugurating the Hemodialysis service was carried out by the director of Hermina Makassar General Hospital, dr. Verawaty and also attended by Prof. Dr. dr. Haerani Rasyid, M.Kes, Sp.PD, K-GH, Sp.GK as Secretary of the Indonesian Nephrology Association for the South Sulawesi-Central Sulawesi-Southeast Sulawesi-East Kalimantan-Papua-West Papua and Ambon and the team. Through this new service, RSU Hermina Makassar helps relieve people who have kidney disease, especially those with chronic and acute kidney who require intensive medical measures such as regular dialysis.

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