CT-Scan Examination Service Has Been Opened at Hermina Serpong Hospital
CT-Scan Examination Service Has Been Opened at Hermina Serpong Hospital Computed Tomography Scan (CT-Scan) is an examination procedure using a combination of X-rays with a computer system to see the condition of organs in the body from several angles or slices. The advantages of CT-Scan compared to conventional X-rays are that the resulting image is sharper, more detailed and able to display 3D images and resembles the shape of the original organ. Hermina Serpong Hospital currently has a 32 Slice CT Scan modality, CT Scan examination can be used to examine all parts of the body from head to toe, the use of CT Scan can clearly distinguish one disorder from another so that the therapy that will be carried out is more focused and specific according to the type of disorder of a disease. Immediately consult your health and family at Hermina Serpong Hospital Who needs a CT Scan examination? 1. Patients with post-accident or fall injuries 2. Patients with acute symptoms, such as abdominal pain, chest pain or shortness of breath 3. Patients with suspected or suspected tumors or diagnosed with cancer, CT Scan is the best method to confirm the presence, measure the size, identify the location and spread of the tumor with certainty. 4. Patients who need examinations to detect, diagnose, and treat blood vessel diseases, such as blockage or swelling in blood vessels or other organs. #tenangdihermina #herminalebihdekat #ctscan #herminahospitasl #rsherminaserpong #rsuherminaserpong