dr. Carissa Lidia Sp.A, Mh.Kes adalah dokter Spesialis Anak adalah dokter yang memiliki fokus pada kesehatan fisik, mental, emosional, tumbuh kembang, dan sosial anak-anak, sejak mereka dilahirkan hingga menjadi remaja, yakni pada sampai usia 18 tahun. Dokter Spesialis Anak bertugas untuk memberikan tindakan pencegahan penyakit pada anak yang sehat, serta memberikan pengobatan pada anak yang sakit, baik penyakit akut maupun kronis.
The Importance of Immunization for Children
Immunization goals prevent dangerous infectious diseases before they spread in the community. How do vaccines work? Immunization àof the body forms immunity àThe immune system will form specific immunity against certain diseases. In the future, if the child is infected wi...
Early Detection and Intervention of Child Growth and Development Disorders
Hermina's friends early detection and intervention in child growth and development disorders are early examinations by finding deviations in children's growth and development. It is important for parents to know that their children are growing optimally, parents need to escort children to their ...