dr. Lenny Swatriani, M. Biomed, CBS

dr. Lenny Swatriani, M. Biomed, CBS

 Pediatrics - (Lactation)

 Hermina Podomoro

dr. Lenny Swatriani, M. BIomed adalah seorang dokter dengan fokus utama pada kesehatan ibu dan bayi, khususnya dalam hal konsultasi laktasi. dr. Lenny Swatriani, M. Biomed menawarkan layanan konsultasi khusus laktasi yang mencakup, tetapi tidak terbatas pada: relaktasi, breastcare, nipple care, suplementasi, cup feeding, ekstraksi blocked nipple pore, perah ASI.
What is Exclusive Breastfeeding and What are its Benefits for the Little One?

  Breast milk, also known as Exclusive Breastfeeding, is the primary and best source of nourishment for infants. One highly recommended approach to breastfeeding is exclusive breastfeeding. In this article, we will explain what exclusive breastfeeding is and why it holds significant ...

Dealing with Sore Nipples While Breastfeeding to Keep Baby Full and Mom Calm

Breastfeeding should be a beautiful moment between mother and baby. Unfortunately, sore nipples often disrupt the comfort of this process. The stinging pain makes mothers anxious and babies fussy. But don't worry, Mom! Sore nipples are not the end of your breastfeeding journey. Let's find out th...

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