dr. Sandy Sofian Sopandi, SpBP-RE merupakan dokter Spesialis Bedah Plastik RS Hermina Pasteur yang berfokus pada bidang rekonstruksi dan estetik. Adapun lingkup penanganan rekonstruksi adalah jaringan kulit dari kepala hingga kaki, dan masalah kesehatan lain meliputi trauma luka bakar, luka akut maupun kronik, kelainan bawaan wajah, trauma jaringan lunak dan tulang wajah, dan juga ranah estetika. dr. Sandy Sofian Sopandi, SpBP-RE berkompetensi untuk melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis : - Tatalaksana perawatan luka non operatif (non invasive) - Tatalaksana tindakan estetik sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasien (rejuvenation) - Tatalaksana rekonstruksi penutupan luka pasca pengangkatan tumor ataupun luka kronik.
Don't be mistaken, this is the difference between reconstructive plastic surgery and aesthetic plastic surgery.
Often, plastic surgery is misunderstood as "beauty surgery". This is not wrong, but only covers a small part of the very broad field of plastic surgery. The competence of a plastic surgeon consists of two things, namely, reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery. Plastic Reconstructive Sur...
“MOMMY MAKEOVER”: Restoration of a Woman's Body after Childbirth
The process of pregnancy and childbirth will generally cause changes in a woman's body. These changes, although a natural and normal process, often result in a less than optimal body shape and interfere with the woman's quality of life. This condition can be corrected by a procedure commonly kno...
Treatment of Facial Trauma Wounds for Optimal Scars
The face is the most conspicuous part of the human body. Therefore, any injury that occurs in this area will have the potential to cause complications that interfere with the quality of life of the individual concerned. Therefore, wound management must be carried out optimally and comprehensivel...
Are Scars Permanent?