drg. Priska Angelia Budiono, Sp.KGA

drg. Priska Angelia Budiono, Sp.KGA

 Dentistry - (Pediatric Dentistry (Pedodontics))

 Hermina Periuk Tangerang

Spesialis kedokteran gigi anak. Drg Priska menangani berbagai kasus kesehatan gigi yang berhubungan dengan anak, termasuk anak berkebutuhan khusus. Menempuh pendidikan profesi dokter gigi di Universitas Trisakti dan studi spesialis di Universitas Padjadjaran. Memperdalam kedokteran gigi anak di Temple University, Philadelphia, USA Pemeriksaan untuk di hermina periuk meliputi : tumbuh kembang gigi anak, pasien anak berkebutuhan khusus, interseptif orthodonti (pemasangan ortodonti pencegahan pada anak), Perawatan kesehatan gigi dan mulut anak secara holistik/ keseluruhan
Overcoming Children Who Are Afraid of Going to the Dentist

Surveys in Indonesia show that 90% of children are afraid of going to the dentist. This is a normal thing to happen, even adults often have the same fear. There are several things that need to be prepared so that your little one dares to go to the dentist. Do " Sounding" first on the child...

Overcoming Children Who Are Afraid of Going to the Dentist

Surveys in Indonesia show that 90% of children are afraid of going to the dentist. This is a normal thing to happen, even adults often have the same fear. There are several things that need to be prepared so that your little one dares to go to the dentist. Do " Sounding" first on the child...

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