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Integrated Urology Service (Urology Center) RS Hermina Daan Mogot

Hello Hermina Friends…

Urology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract kidney diseases, both men and women. In addition, urology also treats infertility and male genitalia disorders.

If Hermina friends experience symptoms as explained. Immediately consult a urology surgery specialist at RS Hermina Daan Mogot.

Enjoy the convenience of registration through:
1. Halodoc
2. Halo Hermina
(Available on Playstore/Appstore)
3. Website: www.herminahopsitals.com
4. Call Center: 1500 488
5. Emergency Call: 1500 500

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#tenangdihermina #HerminaLebihDekat #HerminaHospitals
#rsuherminadaanmogot #dokterspesialis #urology #urologycenter #infertility

Hermina Grand Wisata

Hermina Grand Wisata Hospital, Lambangsari, Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia
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