RSU Hermina Solo Comes Back to Yoga for Pregnant Women

RSU Hermina Solo Comes Back to Yoga for Pregnant Women

Hello Mother Mother! Who asked yesterday when the pregnancy exercise at Hermina Solo General Hospital would be held again? Now it's back, you know, Yoga Exercise for Pregnant Women with professionals at RSU Hermina Solo. Pregnancy exercise is very good for expediting the normal deli...

Basic Life Assistance Training at Pagambiran Padang Health Center

Basic Life Assistance Training at Pagambiran Padang Health Center

The Blue Team of Hermina Padang RSU Conducted Basic Life Support Training for Pagambiran padang Health Center Medical staff on Friday 25 August 2023. This activity was held directly in the Pagambiran Padang Health Center Hall

Congratulations and Success Dr. dr. Muhlis, Sp.KK, Subsp.Ven, M.Kes, FINSDV

Congratulations and Success Dr. dr. Muhlis, Sp.KK, Subsp.Ven, M.Kes, FINSDV

All directors and staff of the Hospital. Hermina Makassar wishes congratulations and success to Dr. dr. Muhlis, Sp.KK, Subsp.Ven, M.Kes, FINSDV for the awarding of the honorary title Fellow of the Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (FINSDV) Hopefully trustworthy and always succes...

Congratulations and Success dr. Irma Suryani Idris, Sp.DV, M.Kes, FINSDV

Congratulations and Success dr. Irma Suryani Idris, Sp.DV, M.Kes, FINSDV

All directors and staff of the Hospital. Hermina Makassar wishes congratulations and success to dr. Irma Suryani Idris, Sp.DV, M.Kes, FINSDV for the awarding of the honorary title Fellow of the Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (FINSDV) Hopefully trustworthy and always succe...

Congratulations and Success dr. Raissa Alfaathir, Sp.N

Congratulations and Success dr. Raissa Alfaathir, Sp.N

All directors and staff of the Hospital. Hermina Makassar congratulates and succeeds in completing the neurointensive & neurocritical care fellowship education at the Indonesian College of Neurology Hopefully trustworthy and always successful doctor.

Have been practicing again at Hermina Makassar Hospital

Have been practicing again at Hermina Makassar Hospital

Has returned to practice dr. Raissa Alfaathir Heri, Sp.N. He is a neurologist at Hermina Makassar Hospital Come on, see the information about the latest schedule from Dr. Raissa Alfaathir, Sp.N

“Sariawan Sebagai Salah Satu Tanda Infeksi Menular Seksual”

“Sariawan Sebagai Salah Satu Tanda Infeksi Menular Seksual”

Halo Sahabat Hermina.... Ayok saksikan live instagram @rsuherminapalembang Hermina Talk bersama pembicara drg. Pudji Handayani, SpPM tentang “Sariawan Sebagai Salah Satu Tanda Infeksi Menular Seksual” Pada Hari : Jumat Tanggal : 25 Agustus 2023 Jam : 15.00 s.d Selesai Jangan lupa tonton...

Has joined dr. LUCKY HANDARYATI, Sp.KK,FINSDV with a Skin and Gender Specialist

Has joined dr. LUCKY HANDARYATI, Sp.KK,FINSDV with a Skin and Gender Specialist

dr. LUCKY HANDARYATI, Sp.KK,FINSDV adalah dokter RS Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga who have expertise in skin problems, such as allergies, dermatitis, psoriasis, skin infections, as well as various skin complaints caused by congenital, autoimmune, or malignancy conditions.

"Pemeriksaan Mini MCU, Vaksinasi Influenza, dan Health Talk Bersama drg. Billy Sujatmiko, Sp.KG bersama Bank Muamalat & RS Hermina Palembang"

"Pemeriksaan Mini MCU, Vaksinasi Influenza, dan Health Talk Bersama drg. Billy Sujatmiko, Sp.KG bersama Bank Muamalat & RS Hermina Palembang"

Halo sahabat hermina... Pada hari jumat tim RS Hermina melakukan Pemeriksaan Mini MCU, Vaksinasi Influenza, dan Health Talk Bersama drg. Billy Sujatmiko, Sp.KG bersama Bank Muamalat & RS Hermina Palembang di ikuti 40 karyawan yang melakukan mini MCU dan 19 karyawan vaksinasi influenza pad...

RSIA HERMINA MUTIARA BUNDA SALATIGA carry out activities Donor Darah dengan PMI Salatiga

RSIA HERMINA MUTIARA BUNDA SALATIGA carry out activities Donor Darah dengan PMI Salatiga

In the context of the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia and routine activities with PMI, a Blood Donation activity was held with PMI Salatiga which was attended by Hospital Employees and Communities Around the Hospital on August 11 2023 at RSIA HERMINA MUTIARA BUNDA SALATIGA ...

Basic Life Assistance Training at the Ulak Karang Padang Health Center

Basic Life Assistance Training at the Ulak Karang Padang Health Center

Basic Life Support Training at the Ulak Karang Padang Health Center with the Blue Team Hermina Padang General Hospital on Thursday, August 24 was held directly in the Ulak Karang Health Center office area and was attended by staff and employees, both medical and non-medical staff.

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day

In order to celebrate the 78th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, employees of Hermina Serpong Hospital held a competitionon Friday (11/8/2023) in the Office Hall Hall Building 2 Hermina Serpong Hospital. This activity was attended by employees of Hermina Serpong Hosp...

Displaying item 1357-1368 of 2422 in total
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