dr. Hendy, Sp.OT

dr. Hendy, Sp.OT

 Surgery - (Bone Surgery)

 Hermina Bogor

dr. Hendy, SpOT merupakan dokter Spesialis Ortopedi dan Traumatologi di RS Hermina Bogor, dokter ahli tulang yang menyelesaikan pendidikan Spesialis Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi. Beliau melayani Bedah Ortopedi, Konsultasi Ortopedi, Hemiarthroplasti, Operasi Pergantian Siku,Rekonstruksi Ligamen, Arthroskopi, Artroplasti, Bedah Penggantian Tulang Kaki, Operasi Bahu, Operasi Pergelangan Tangan , Hip Resurfacing Surgery, Meluruskan Sendi, Operasi Pergantian Lutut, Injeksi Cairan Sendi, Rekonstruksi Ligamen Siku, Shoulder Wheel.
Back Neck Pain is Not necessarily Cholesterol!!! Hermina Bogor

Back neck pain that is often experienced by most people is often associated with high cholesterol levels. But did you know that back neck pain is not always caused by high cholesterol levels, here are some other factors that cause back neck pain.   Back neck pain is a common symptom t...

Avoid Pain with Resistance Training!

Do you often feel pain in your legs from standing for a long time, discomfort due to waist and back pain, and fatigue easily? We can train it so that it doesn't get tired easily or get injured in that area with resistance training.   Resistance training is a form of exercise that uses...

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