Spesialis Kedokteran Olahraga adalah ahli dalam bidang kedokteran olahraga, yang mencakup pencegahan, diagnosis, dan pengobatan cedera serta penyakit yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas fisik dan olahraga.
Overtraining is a condition that occurs when an athlete undergoes excessive physical exercise without providing sufficient rest time for recovery. This condition can result in decreased performance, health problems, and even injury. This is where the important role of sports doctors is in preven...
Sport is a very important activity to maintain health and fitness. However, without proper knowledge and preparation, exercise can increase the risk of injury. Here are some important tips to avoid injury while exercising, namely:
Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down.
Warming up and stretchin...
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The Role of Sports Doctors in Preventing Overtraining in Athletes
Overtraining is a condition that occurs when an athlete undergoes excessive physical exercise without providing sufficient rest time for recovery. This condition can result in decreased performance, health problems, and even injury. This is where the important role of sports doctors is in preven...
Tips to Avoid Injuries While Exercising: What to Pay Attention to?
Sport is a very important activity to maintain health and fitness. However, without proper knowledge and preparation, exercise can increase the risk of injury. Here are some important tips to avoid injury while exercising, namely: Proper Warm-Up and Cool-Down. Warming up and stretchin...