Know cholesterol high ( hyperlidemia ) and How the implementation
What That cholesterol ?
Cholesterol is essential substances for body , which is obtained from food or Can produced Alone by body We . Moment food with content fat high , then fat will broken down become sour fat And cholesterol . Cholesterol Actually needed by body For produce hormone and vitamins, will but when increase will cause disturbance in body . There are 3 components fat frequent blood checked , namely LDL (low density lipoprotein) which is known as cholesterol evil , because play a role in formation plaque in blood vessels blood , which will trigger blockage vessels blood . Second , HDL (high density lipoprotein) which is known as cholesterol well , which carries LDL from vessels blood For issued , and the last is triglycerides , are source energy backup stored inside cell fat .
What That hyperlipidemia?
High cholesterol levels ( hyperlipidemia ) are condition Where happen increased LDL, decreased HDL and improvement triglycerides blood . Condition This Can without symptom And symptomatic . If hyperlipidemia persists going on , eating will arise various disease in body We .
Causes of hyperlipidemia
There are 2 types hyperlipidemia , namely primary hyperlipidemia ( inherited disorder ) , and secondary hyperlipidemia ( acquired ), because disease other , influence drugs . Cholesterol tall can due to by style life , including pattern Eat No healthy rich in fat fed up And trans , lack of activity physical , consumption alcohol excessive , habitual smoking , obesity . Aging process Also can become factor risk Because metabolism body tend slow down on elderly .
Symptom And signs of hyperlipidemia
Hyperlipidemia can symptomatic or no , so often called as a “silent killer”. Sometimes condition This new known after happen complications , among other diseases heart coronary , stroke and blockage vessels blood . Here This condition And signs that point to hyperlipidemia:
- Xanthoma Accumulation fat under skin , which is known as xanthoma , can appear as lump yellowish on petals eyes ( xanthelasma ) and on the eyeball ( arcus) cornea ), elbow , knee , or part body others . Conditions This often associated with hyperlipidemia in general genetics .
- Chest Pain (Angina) If artery Coronary narrow consequence accumulation plaque , flow blood to heart can disturbed , causing chest pain or angina. This often felt as pressing / crushing pain burden .
- Fatigue or Congested Breath Blockage on artery can limit flow blood to vital organs, causing fatigue excessive or congested breath , especially after activity physique .
- Dizzy or Sick Head Critical If accumulation plaque hinder flow blood to brain , you Possible experience Dizzy or even symptoms of a mild stroke .
- Erectile Dysfunction on Man Cholesterol tall can influence flow blood to the reproductive organs , which can cause dysfunction erection .
How to overcome And Prevent Hyperlipidemia
- Pattern Eat Balanced : Consumption high fiber foods like fruits , vegetables , and grains . Avoid fat fed up and trans found in food processed And fried foods , avoid food tall calories ( fried food) and soft drinks ). Add food congested nutrition And cardioprotective like nuts , fish , and oil olives . Can Also replace food alternative as source cholesterol , namely with milk low fat And carbohydrate with index glycemic low
- Activity physique And sport Routine : Do activity aerobics like walking or swim at least 150 minutes per week For increase HDL levels and lower LDL. Activity This besides Can lower cholesterol , can Also lower heavy body .
- Stop Smoke And Alcohol : Habit bad This can to worsen level cholesterol And health heart in a way overall .
- Management Stress : Techniques relaxation like yoga or meditation can help guard balance level cholesterol .
- Inspection Routine : check-up cholesterol blood recommended For age over 30 years 1-2 years once , or on more individual young , when Already found history of stroke, disease coronary heart disease in nature family .
- Pharmacological , with drugs , done when with change style life for 6 weeks , the level cholesterol No decrease .
Hyperlipidemia ( cholesterol) height ) is conditions that can recognized And managed with Good through style life Healthy And maintenance proper medical examination . routine is key For detect And overcome problem This more beginning . If You own factor risk or worry about level cholesterol You , consult with doctor Specialist Disease In Hermina OPI Jakabaring Hospital For step Handling more carry on
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