Understanding Speech Delay
Speech delay is a delay in speech and language skills that is not appropriate to the child's age. This condition makes children unable to convey their thoughts due to limited language and understanding. This condition occurs when a child cannot develop speech and language in accordance with the growth and development of children in general. A typical 2-year-old can pronounce about 50 words and speak in two- or three-word sentences. By age 3, your vocabulary will increase to around 1,000 words and you will be able to speak in sentences of three or four words. If a child has not reached this standard, the child may experience speech delay. If not treated immediately, speech delay will become an obstacle to a child's growth and development.
Causes of Speech Delay
In general, the cause of speech delay is not known for certain. However, there are several conditions that are thought to cause speech delays in children. Here's the explanation:
Medical Conditions in the Womb or at New Birth
Several medical conditions in babies that can cause speech delays include premature birth, jaundice, not getting enough oxygen at birth (asphyxiation) and low birth weight (LBW).
Has a history of seizures, head trauma and brain inflammation
Having experienced seizures for a long time, head trauma and inflammation of the brain that lasted for months can increase the risk of speech delay
Hearing problems occur
One of the factors causing speech delay is hearing problems. Having hearing loss means a child can only hear sounds at a certain volume. This condition usually occurs due to birth defects or ear infections. Therefore, it is necessary to be screened by a specialist doctor to find out the cause
Playing gadgets too often
Children who play games or watch videos too often before they can speak can be the cause of children experiencing speech delays compared to children who don't play with devices.
Disorders of oromotor function and oral structure
Speech delay is a condition that can be caused by problems in the area of the brain that controls the movement and coordination of the lips, tongue and jaw to make sounds. Apart from that, structural problems in the mouth, for example a cleft lip, can also cause problems with the movement of the tongue to produce sound
Signs of Speech Delay
Signs of speech delay can be detected before a child turns one year old. Parents should start to be alert when the baby does not respond to any sound. Other signs that can be observed are:
Entering the age of 12 months, children do not use movements, such as pointing or waving goodbye
At the age of 18 months, children prefer body movements to communicate. Apart from that, they also have difficulty understanding simple speech.
When they reach the age of 2 years, they can only imitate speech or actions but cannot produce words or sentences spontaneously.
Speech Delay Handling
If a child has experienced delays in speaking at a normal age, the treatment that can be done is to consult a specialist in medical rehabilitation medicine regarding the child's growth and development so that an initial screening can be carried out and determine further therapy or action that can be carried out at the nearest hospital.