Prepare these medicines in your first aid kit before going home

Prepare these medicines in your first aid kit before going home

Homecoming is a tradition that many Indonesians look forward to, especially ahead of holidays such as Eid. However, amidst the euphoria of gathering with family and relatives, we also need to ensure that we are ready to face all possibilities, including health emergencies. For this reason, it is very important to prepare a first aid kit (first aid for accidents) before starting your homecoming journey. Here are some medicines that Hermina Friends should prepare in your first aid kit:


  1. Liquid Antiseptic or Alcohol
    Liquid antiseptic or alcohol is very important for cleaning wounds or washing areas affected by infection. This helps prevent further infection and keeps the injured area clean.
  2. Wound Plasters
    Wound plasters are one of the important items in a first aid kit. They are used to protect wounds from germs and dirt, and help wounds stay sterile and protected.
  3. Headache and Fever Medication:
    Dizziness or fever is a common problem that can occur at any time, including when going home. Make sure you include headache and fever medication in your first aid kit to treat any symptoms that may arise.
  4. Anti-Diarrhea Medication
    Diarrhea is a common problem that often arises when traveling, especially if you consume unusual foods or drinks. Having anti-diarrhea medication in your first aid kit can help resolve this problem quickly.
  5. Medication for flatulence or first aid.
    Flatulence can also be a problem when traveling, especially if you eat heavy or unusual foods. Include flatulence or first aid medication in your kit to treat this discomfort.
  6. Anti-Allergy Medication
    Allergies can occur due to various factors, including exposure to dust or certain foods. Including anti-allergy medication in your first aid kit can help reduce symptoms such as itching or rashes.
  7. Anti-Motion Sickness Medication
    If you or a family member is prone to motion sickness, be sure to include anti-motion sickness medication in your first aid kit. This can help reduce nausea and vomiting on long journeys.
  8. Antibiotic Ointment and First Aid Balm
    Antibiotic ointment is used to treat infected wounds, while first aid balm can help relieve muscle pain or aches that may appear after a long journey.


Pastikan untuk menyimpan semua obat-obatan tersebut dalam wadah tertutup rapat dan letakkan di tempat yang mudah dijangkau di mobil atau tas Sahabat Hermina saat mudik. Selain itu, jangan lupa untuk memeriksa tanggal kadaluwarsa obat secara berkala dan menggantinya jika sudah kadaluwarsa. Dengan menyiapkan kotak P3K yang lengkap dan siap pakai, sobat Hermina bisa lebih tenang dan siap menghadapi segala kemungkinan kesehatan selama perjalanan pulang.

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