Be wary of sweet foods often in children, recognize the symptoms
Hello friend Hermina, do your children often eat sweets? Like modern drinks, donuts and other foods that are high in sugar content? Be alert to the onset of disease. So Hermina's friend, high sugar can actually cause disease, because too much sugar in the blood does not produce enough insulin. If experienced in the long term and not treated quickly, this condition can cause damage to body organs, such as the eyes, nerves, kidneys and blood vessels.
Sugar is a food ingredient that has a sweet taste, and is commonly used in various foods and drinks that we eat every day. But you need to know one thing, namely that consuming excessive sugar can increase the risk of various health problems, non-communicable diseases, from obesity to diabetes. To prevent this, you don't need to stop consuming foods with sugar, but just limit it. Daily sugar control is very good for our bodies.
In addition, giving sweet foods too often can cause cravings and even sugar addiction. Sugar that enters the body will be interpreted as something pleasant by the brain. This is what then causes children to become addicted and constantly want to eat sweet foods that are high in sugar. This can make it difficult for children or parents to limit sugar intake.
The dangers of frequent sweet foods for children?
Hermina's friends daily sugar intake according to recommendations from the Ministry of Health is a maximum of 50 grams or a dose of 4 tablespoons per day. So always control the sweet foods your children consume. If you have too much sugar and eat too sweet food, it can have an impact on your child's health, namely:
Obesity, consuming too much sweet food, calories from sugar accumulate in the body.
Diabetes, Consuming foods or drinks that contain a lot of sugar can also increase your little one's risk of developing diabetes. Consuming too many sweet drinks or foods can increase blood pressure and stimulate the liver to throw more bad fats into the bloodstream. Both of these things increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Tooth decay, residual sugar that accumulates in the crevices of your little one's teeth when it enters the mouth will mix with oral bacteria.
Controlling sugar can start with a healthy lifestyle, such as regular physical activity, controlling children's food portions and getting enough rest.
If you want a daily consultation on sugar or a good nutritional pattern, please consult Hermina Bitung Hospital with the Clinical Nutrition Specialist, Dr. Patricia FC Halim Puteri, SpGK