Causes, Signs of False Contractions, and How to Overcome Them

Causes, Signs of False Contractions, and How to Overcome Them

Normal contractions will be experienced by pregnant women who are about to give birth to their baby; usually contractions will be accompanied by signs of labor. However, sometimes there are also mothers who experience false contractions or Braxton Hicks. Signs of false contractions usually occur continuously and cause discomfort. False contractions can occur as early as 6 months of pregnancy.

Don't be fooled by fake contractions, because they are actually the body's mechanism to prepare for labor, but without showing signs of labor. In order not to misinterpret contractions, first understand everything about false contractions, starting from the causes, signs, and how to deal with them.


What Causes False Contractions?

False contractions are usually felt since the second trimester but will be more frequent in the third trimester. When false contractions occur, the uterine muscles will tighten (contract) for around 30-60 seconds. When the uterine muscles contract, the tightening will increase blood flow to the placenta. However, the cervix does not dilate, so labor will not occur.

Several things can trigger false contractions or Braxton Hicks, for example, the following:

  • Pregnant women undertake strenuous activities such as lifting objects and excessive exercise.
  • Fetal movements are very active.
  • There is a touch on the mother's stomach, which causes the fetus to react.
  • Full bladder.
  • Having a husband and wife relationship.
  • Intense nausea and vomiting.
  • Dehydration in pregnant women.


5 Signs of False Contractions
It is not uncommon for pregnant women to find it difficult to differentiate between false contractions and labor contractions. Therefore, it is very important to understand the signs of false contractions that commonly occur in pregnancy. You will be able to recognize false contractions more easily if you understand the following signs of false contraction:

1. Uncertain contraction frequency
The frequency and intensity of false contractions are not as frequent and strong as real contractions. In terms of frequency, there is no increase in duration, usually occurring in less than one minute. The frequency is also erratic, usually occurring only once or twice an hour and then no longer continuing and suddenly just disappearing.
2. Contractions Don't Last Long
False contractions will not last long; they usually disappear when the pregnant woman makes light movements. Some mothers feel false contractions suddenly and then suddenly disappear. False contractions do not have a rhythm, and the mother cannot predict when they will occur.
3. Contractions cause discomfort in the lower stomach area.
When false contractions occur, they will feel uncomfortable but not painful. False contractions do not cause cervical dilation like when giving birth, so they are not as painful. False contractions only cause tightness and tension in the lower abdomen, making them uncomfortable for a moment.
4. There are no blood spots from the vagina.
This is not the same as when contractions are about to give birth; signs of false contractions are not accompanied by blood spots from the vagina. This is because false contractions are only caused by uterine muscle contractions without other signs of birth, such as blood spots in the vagina.
5. Contractions do not cause your water to break.
False contractions have a different intensity and frequency than real contractions. In false contractions, they are all weaker and only occur for a short time so that the membranes do not rupture, which is one of the most valid signs of birth.


How to Deal with False Contractions

After understanding the causes and signs of false contractions, it would be better if you also knew how to deal with false contractions. There are several ways to deal with false contractions that occur in pregnant women so that they do not cause excessive pain, as below:

  • Changing the mother's position. If you feel contractions when standing for a long time, then you should sit for a moment so that the muscles in the uterus can relax for a moment. That way the uterus can be calmer and less tense.
  • Do exercise regularly. Maybe it's hard to exercise when your stomach gets bigger. However, mothers can do light exercise activities such as walking, pregnancy exercises, or yoga for pregnant women.
  • Try to relax yourself. You can try taking a warm shower and soaking in warm water for about 15-30 minutes, then take a nap if you have time. With enough rest, your body will be more relaxed.
  • Fulfill water needs and fulfill nutritional needs according to the needs of pregnant women.

This is information about signs of false contractions, causes, and how to deal with them. By understanding false contractions, pregnant women will be calmer when experiencing them during pregnancy. Keep your body healthy and fit during pregnancy so that the baby is born healthy and the mother is safe during birth. Always consult about pregnancy issues with Hermina Friends with a gynecologist at Hermina Sukabumi Hospital.





Braxton Hicks - Tommy’s. (2019). Retrieved July 23, 2021, from

WebMD Medical Reference. (2002, May 27). Braxton Hicks. Retrieved July 23, 2021, from WebMD website:

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